Michael & Meaghann | 05.31.14
I first met Michael and Meaghann a little over 7 years ago. We were all in high school, and we all worked at a summer camp in the mountains of North Carolina. Two summers later, I remember hearing about how Michael and Meaghann were dating, but not really cause that was kinda off limits at camp. That was the year that I got to know both of them fairly well. Meaghann and I connected over photography and random weekend adventures. Michael and I bonded over TOMS shoes and V-neck T-shirts, before either of those things were mainstream of course. Since that last summer that we all worked at camp, college and life have had us all living in different locations around the state of NC, and VA in my case. However, we have remained close friends and we always make up for lost time when we do get to spend time together. Our time together is almost always filled with laughter and reminiscing about past experiences. Their friendship means the world to me and I am grateful to have them in my life.
So to say it was an honor to be invited to celebrate with them at their wedding is an understatement. The best way I can describe their wedding is simply, Joy. You could see it in their eyes, and even on the faces of all their friends and family. The joy that I got to see and experience that day was the bi-product of a relationship that has been rooted in the love of Christ for as long as I have been witness to it. Don't get me wrong, Michael and Meaghann threw a swell party, and I danced until my feet hurt. But the true joy that day came from the testimony of their love and faith in Jesus.