Stories: Taylor Upchurch
^^ April 2008 during my second visit to Liberty's campus ^^
Today is my buddy Taylor's birthday. Now, I don't usually dedicate an entire blog post to my friends on their birthday. However, I started this website and blog because I wanted to share stories, so I am going to share one with you about Taylor. Today as I was getting ready to write on Taylor's Facebook timeline, I had moment of realization that brought me to tears. I realized that Taylor, whether he realizes it or not, altered the course of my future. Let me explain.
Anyone who knows me, can tell you how much I love Liberty University. This place is hallowed ground for me. I can look back and see the mighty hand of God at work in my life in so many ways throughout my time as a student and staff member. It is here I learned what it means to own my faith apart from my family and upbringing. I learned and experienced what a healthy church looks like. I grew to understand my place in the kingdom of God and as a member of the body of Christ. I found my calling at Liberty University; to love Christ and love his people as a living example of the Gospel. I could go on and on, but long story short, Liberty changed my life.
So what does this have to do with Taylor? Well, Taylor introduced me to Liberty. The summer before my Senior year of High School, I met Taylor while working at Teen Valley Ranch Summer Camp. Taylor and I became friends pretty quickly that summer and through various conversations he told me about the school he went to in Virginia. This place sounded awesome. After camp that summer, I traveled back to live with my family in Guatemala. I shared with my parents about my buddy Taylor, and the awesome Christian college he went to. As we began to do research on Liberty and other schools, my parents were quickly drawn to the idea of Liberty as well. I remember very distinctly the day that I submitted my application and essay, and the excitement that surrounded the waiting period to receive my acceptance notification.
Later that fall, when we returned to the States for holiday, I had the opportunity to visit the university for the first time. Taylor, unfortunately, was in NC that weekend for his sister's birthday (month). I was able to meet up with some other friends from camp though who showed me around Liberty and Lynchburg. Later on in the spring, I was able to make a second visit to the campus and stay with Taylor in his dorm. I got to attend classes, eat in the dining hall, and truly experience what life on campus would be like. That was the weekend that really solidified my decision to attend Liberty. I started my Freshman year at Liberty the following fall semester.
I am grateful for Taylor's friendship and how he allows the Lord to work through him. Specifically, I am grateful that he shared his experience at Liberty University and took the time to invest in me that first summer at camp and during my visits to campus. Over the years, his family has become a second family to me and I will be sharing all about them in a blog post very soon! He is currently back at camp for the Summer while preparing to embark on the World Race this winter. Check out his blog and fundraising page here!
Happy Birthday, Taylor! Thank you being an example of Christ's love to those you encounter and being a willing vessel to share the gospel with the world!